A Moving Moment

I felt an urge to dedicate a special early post to African animals. There are only a few intensive and moving encounters with the brothers and sisters from the animal kingdom we had. One of them was in Malaysia where we visited a zoo and an orangutan sanctuary in Borneo shortly one after the other and the feelings I had when seeing eye to eye with an orangutan decided from us by a ditch and a close encounter with baby orangutans in the sanctuary when one baby orangutan cringed to Petr's leg and didn't want to let go, we decided for good not to visit zoo in protest against this unnatural animal imprisonment for human entertainment. Thus my encounters with animals are quite rare. On our way from Royal Natal to Durban we were recommended to visit a small reserve called Spioenkop Dam Natural Reserve and it belongs to these unforgettable moments. First we saw zebras and buffalos and then we saw our first springboks - national emblems of South Africa , graceful antelopes with beautiful and significant horns. The most exciting encounter was yet to come - giraffes. In our way out from the park we came across a tower of giraffes, I counted 12 of them moving slowly and gracefully just along our car stopping and curiously inspecting us. I was able to walk closer and take several photos impressed by their grace, height, quite looks. They left me speechless and I didn't want to leave the place but had to...
